'The enemy' of Midu admitted raising 2 times

Days of love story, young master Phan Thanh-Midu and the third are the hot topic is being interested in public opinion. Not a few people are curious about the 17 year old girl to be the mistress of the famous young family missing in Saigon-Gogo.

Thuy Vi human aesthetic legacy 2 times.

Can see, she's 17 years old Mau owned lovely appearance, smooth light complexion and lip plump shore.

While still sitting on the couch, Thuy Vi do not hesitate publicly what cosmetic surgery. To get beauty such as the present, she has made the cut eyelid and nose.

Thuy Vi each share: "I want to cut the long nose and eyes and made in 2014, when 16 years old. Many people also share similar, that I should not be in a hurry when we were little. But I who love beauty, more what the fix sooner or later must also perform should not. The process was quite painful, in that the right nose done twice but still endure to her more beautiful. Currently I'm very happy with the new look ".

Many of the comments for that Golden, after plastic surgery look "don't" than before but glamorous than before. Some also voiced criticism of the Golden age of young people used to cosmetic surgery.

Thuy Vi insisted want to step foot in showbiz

GoGo also confirmed she will contest in the school of film and stage want to step foot in showbiz.=
