6 abnormal symptoms in the mouth warn many dangerous problems, especially the number 1

Regular root bleeding

Bleeding when brushing your teeth or eating something can be a symptom of gingivitis or periodontitis. In particular, the condition of this disease if not handled promptly, the risk is high, you may lose permanent teeth. In addition, this condition can also be caused by diseases such as thrombocytopenia, calcium deficiency, liver disease .

The mouth smells bad

Many people believe that bad breath can be caused by improper brushing habits or some oral diseases. Besides, this can also be a symptom of warning your body is dehydrated, has cardiovascular disease or tonsillitis .

Abscess teeth

Abscess is caused by an infection of the pus, usually from bacteria in the inside of the tooth. If this condition is not treated early, it will puncture, break the teeth and create conditions for bacteria to go deep into the teeth.

Some symptoms help you recognize that the disease is sensitive when eating, especially with hot or cold items, swollen lymph nodes, high fever . So when you have an abscess, you need to take the initiative. go to a specialist for timely treatment and prevent future complications.

Mouth cancer

Oral cancer often silently develops and can occur in any area of ​​the mouth such as lips, cheeks, tongue, gums, throat . Therefore, you need to pay attention to stay away from cigarettes and be proactive Take regular dental checkups to prevent the risk of oral cancer early on.

Many cracks appear on teeth

Often, the case of cracked teeth may be due to an injury or bite of the food too hard. In addition, this may also be caused by digestive diseases. Because people with heartburn or acid reflux, enamel is more prone to abrasion and weakness. Therefore, only a small impact when chewing can affect and cause cracks in your teeth.

Joint temporal joint pain

The jaw joints are jaw joints with your skull. These joints will work every time you chat, chew or swallow food. Some symptoms of joint jaw joint pain that you may experience are pain in the ear, shut your mouth to hear the cry in the joint, do not open your mouth, tired jaw .
