The effects of soy you don't yet know

Anti aging

Soy milk contains no small amounts of Genistein essence helps to prolong the aging process of cells in the body. Drinking soy milk regularly will help the sisters have fresh young skin and anti-aging.

In addition in some regions, women favored taking soy milk lotion to the skin to make dark skin becomes brighter. If hard DAB soy milk and massage in for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with warm nwocs, will help your skin has enough moisture, light and smooth.

Fight osteoporosis

Soybeans contain proteins good for bones especially Isoflavones have work well for minerals in bone density in menopausal women. Use more soy milk will help sisters avoiding osteoporosis and decrease the rate of fractures in the age of menopause or menopause.

The researchers also point out that want strong bones thanks to calcium. Strong bones system not only depends on the retention of calcium but also depends on the retention is calcium in the body.

The effects on cardiovascular system

According to a survey, then if every additional day 20-133 g protein from soy may help reduce the 7-10% of bad cholesterol in the body. "Using soy is part of nutrition helps to reduce the risk of heart disease", Wahida Karmally, Director of nutrition at the Irving Institute-said.

In addition, regular use of add 25 g of protein from soy every day will have the effect of reducing the amount of saturated fat, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The scientists also demonstrated and soy extracts from soy have lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, reduce bad cholesterol, prevent the progression of fibrosis with sour mortar, improve the elasticity of arteries. Thus the soy beans used in drug products reduce the risk of coronary artery.

Sleek long hair help

The principal composition of the hair's protein. Undeniable, soybeans contain very large and nutritious protein intake. In soy products have many important substances such as potassium, magnesium, fiber, oxygen compounds are very rich in nutrients and many important nutrients to the body.So, drink soy milk every day will help make hair stronger. In particular, they will help to thin hair and ladies become seasoned, more shiny.

Reduce belly fat

Obesity and excess fat are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes. The study found that drinking a glass of soy milk per day will help reduce the amount of excess fat is dangerous. After 3 months of persistent drink milk, make sure you will get to see the effect of them on the abdomen.

Against cancer

Soy is a food experts recommend when struggling with fears about cancer. At present, cancer is the fear of women. The types of cancer such as breast cancer, cervical cancer, thyroid cancer can be prevented if you drink soy milk regularly. Protease Bowman-Birk had the look of protein of soy can inhibit the onset of cancer cells.

According to the American Cancer Society, use 3 servings of soy per day brings many benefits for women who are at risk or have a family history of breast cancer incidence.=
