Single but not alone

(Phunutoday)-who says the single mother is bad, my own they deserve honor, because a satisfied at all duties as father and mother.[links]

Single mother but solitary

Reduce fever, or eh, how is the life of the people, what excuse that she Thugiang and Duchanh right up here to the OWL, spicy speak of themselves as such. Who told the single mother is bad, my own they deserve honor, because a satisfied at all duties as father and mother. Like her friend, new year, 30 years old, good, beautiful, but not married but like motherhood. What is to become the single mother at the age of 26. She said, don't like to get married, because do not want to have a life dependent on anyone. She's a personality, and want to master his life. I see that in society is also normal, social development, the freedom of every person to be. That her husband what to do, take my husband about to "lift the towel fix" bag, serve them well and then back for more content, that the mother of my husband in Vietnam then known, flirtatious, formidable awful experience. And rules, other pretensions, want to work what are asked snatch, asked the other person, they agreed to do, new ... that was crazy not to buy his strapping self like?. To be a good girl, senior girl, well, ... well, have brought out the food professional, docile pit ham that is not so. I see women Vietnam should take innovation, for Duchanh and Thugiang, you should have more open look about the single mothers and their children.

Support single mothers Association

You also do not give that single mothers can not feed the Royal family as đoàng have both mom and dad. My own, there are still better, at least the child will not learn the habit of drinking alcohol, the beer's bluff them, or not swearing in front of children, and not only leave the House for women. I don't ever think, for his father and then quit that may grow to be perfect in every way. Sorry, how many families have both parents father enough, why their children still addiction, robbery, murder. Two typical murder most recently was Nguyen Duc Nghia, and Le Van Training, they are the children of single mothers or not?. Is not! They have enough of both parents, right, stars still?. Sorry, two older sisters and Duchanh Thugiang, right, read the lyrics you write that I want to vomit. Why in the world do have those "dark Banquet" as the sister that still curious was on the network read the news each day. But the real question, she was typing or self thanks to guest for anyone. I doubt the ability of the typing. Make sure that you are not the children of single mothers, and then, the sisters have enough parents are not. That development was completed about personality, should you prove what his sentence is wrong. Hopefully, you understood what I said. What about the single mothers, the sisters about hostility working of the independent woman the other mouth, be confident. The single but not alone. The 21st century is the century of women who dare to assert themselves. Although I'm not a single mom, but I support the comments I want to single mothers Association on this newspaper page to meet you. If established, let me be involved. Myhoa1468 ...    =
