Treatment of foot fast stinking by toothpaste

When carrying special footwear is the type of closed shoes such as sneakers, sports shoes, Western, batas, bot, shoes ... unavoidable problem of odors in the leg. Especially the sultry Sun or cold at the foot of the foul problems become more serious when you use for long time.

Toothpaste help treat smelly legs effectively.

Toothpaste contains chemicals that help destroy the bacteria.

Sodium pyrophosphate is one of the chemicals to remove excess calcium from the saliva in the mouth.

Toothpaste also contains a chemical compound called silica. Silica helps support against inflammation.

Besides, toothpaste also contains baking soda. This component helps to reduce the amount of oil on the skin. And skin oil is one of the main cause of foot odor,

How to treat foot foul by toothpaste

You can use a toothpaste that has just enough wet on the Palm and massage wash your feet every time. Toothpaste helps eliminate foot odor is extremely effective.

You massage, wash, massage for your feet about 2-3 minutes.=
