Unveil how to choose makeup remover that is suitable for your skin


Makeup remover cotton is a product sold in mass market, convenience stores, pharmacies . Therefore, we have a habit of buying makeup remover cotton quite arbitrarily. However, not all cotton is safe for skin.

Non-organic makeup remover cotton

Normally, people forget that makeup remover is made from cotton. This means that like food, cotton is grown organically with traces of synthetic fertilizers, toxic chemicals and pesticides from the cotton harvesting process. These substances stay in a cotton pad that can irritate the skin, especially sensitive skin. So, although you have a lot of choices but absolutely should avoid this type of non-organic makeup remover.

The quality of cotton remover is too poor

In addition to ingredients, you should also pay attention to the quality of cotton pads. If you've ever tried to buy cheap cotton in the supermarket, you'll notice a difference in quality. Low-cost cotton pads always have problems with sewing lines, pads . Or they are too thick to absorb the essence from skin care products, or they are too thin and skin care products have slipped before You can apply it to your face. These signs silently remind you that you should immediately change the type of makeup remover better.


Organic cleansers are made from cotton balls under strict testing conditions to ensure no harmful chemicals to the skin. Organic cotton has a thick design, high absorption helps keep the product in cotton pads. This type of cotton is suitable for skin care lotion, makeup remover and is recommended for sensitive skin.

Cotton for removing artificial fibers

This cotton is not made from cotton but from man-made fibers. The piece of cotton has a thin texture, rough stamping surface, fast absorbency. Artificial cotton makeup is suitable for exfoliating toners.

In addition to removing dead cells, each type of acid has different properties and uses. So, are you suitable for using AHA, BHA or PHA?

Makeup remover cotton with high quality synthetic material

Meeting the demand of using high-end makeup remover of customers, manufacturers have been producing cotton made from silk, natural silk . This cotton integrates the advantages of organic cotton. and artificial cotton. The textured cotton pad fits well, holds the product, is not easily broken and very soft.


Use your index finger and ring finger to hold the cotton pad on the middle finger. This way is most convenient to control the direction and pressure when applying the product on the face. Should move from the center of the face, down slowly and gently. This action can remove dirt and dust accumulating in the pores.

In addition, makeup remover cotton can make instant water mask. Dip the cotton pad into a moisturizing lotion, then apply the cotton pad to the dry area for 5-10 minutes. Next, use a cotton pad to wipe your face and neck. And finally take other skin care steps. If you wear makeup, lotion mask will give you a smooth, moist foundation.

In addition, makeup remover cotton can make instant water mask. Dip the cotton pad into a moisturizing lotion, then apply the cotton pad to the dry area for 5-10 minutes. Next, use a cotton pad to wipe your face and neck. And finally take other skin care steps. If you wear makeup, lotion mask will give you a smooth, moist foundation.
