In order for babies not to get sick in the summer, she must remember this

Feeding more babies

If adults need to drink plenty of water when it is hot, they also need to drink more milk to keep their body hydrated. The reason, it should be noted in the way of taking care of babies in the summer, because children cannot drink directly the types of water, so they need to feed more. According to Dr. Ruchika Nagrath - an obstetrician in India - babies need an average of 58.8 ml of milk per 0.45 kg of body weight. In summer, this demand increased by 50%. For example, babies weighing 4.5kg drink about 568ml of milk every day, in the summer will increase by about 852ml of milk.

Avoid mosquito bites and insects

Summer is a good time for mosquitoes and insects to proliferate. If the area is living with too many mosquitoes and insects, the mother can use sprays, but make sure not to expose children to chemicals.

Bathe newborn babies

Infants should be bathed from the second day of life, and only need to be bathed every 2 to 3 days. Bathe your baby in a warm environment. Before placing the baby in the water, always check the temperature of the water with the mother's elbow. Use mild soap, and soft wipes.

Clean: Gently clean baby's skin

- For girls: Wipe the genitals from front to back. In the first 4 weeks after birth, it is normal for girls to have white secretion, milk color or blood.

- For boys: Clean under the scrotum. Do not push or pull the foreskin into the penis.

Change diapers and monitor baby diapers

You should change your baby's diaper frequently, as soon as it is wet or dirty. At first, she may feel clumsy but will gradually get used to this job as often as she does. Please see the following tips to make changing diapers easier:

Get ready: Before you start changing diapers, make sure there are things that are within range that your mother is most accessible.

Safety: If you use a changing table, make sure it is secure and has a seat belt. Also make sure it has lots of compartments to store all the things you need to replace your child. Remember to never turn your back while changing your baby's diaper.

Caring for the newborn umbilical cord in the early days

Your baby's umbilical cord does not need any special care, she just needs to keep it clean and dry enough. If the cord is dirty, just wipe it with a warm, wet, cotton or cotton swab (Q-tip) and dry it. If the skin around the navel becomes red, hard, pusy or foul - call your doctor. This may be a sign of umbilical cord infection and need appropriate treatment.

Protect your baby's skin

- Regularly dry sweat in the skin of the neck, back, elbows, groin, buttocks to help the baby not get cold or chrome. If your baby has chrome, rash, mother can bathe the child with diluted violet or bitter melon (bitter melon).

- After changing diapers, clean the anus and genitals for your baby, in the direction from front to back, to prevent the bacteria from the anus from attacking your private parts.

- Wearing clothes with cool material, low ability to absorb sweat.

Do not wear many baby clothes

In summer, items such as coats, jackets, scarves, etc. should be taken away, instead, children should wear cool cotton clothes. This both helps children to relax and prevent rash and stew.

Do not let children out from 10 am - 14 pm

The bright sunshine of summer contains a lot of UV rays that are very harmful to the skin, especially young children. Therefore, she does not take this into account in caring for babies in the summer. Need to know, the time of UV rays is strongest from 10 am - 14 pm, this is the time when mothers need to limit their babies to go out.

How much room temperature is suitable?

The ability to regulate body temperature in newborns is much worse than adults and is very susceptible to hypothermia if the room temperature is too cold. So, if your baby's room is air-conditioned, make sure he or she wears enough clothes and puts the temperature at around 25-28 degrees C. In the case of a young shower in the room, bathe in warm water and avoid cold air that blows on young people.

Newborn sleep

Most babies sleep a lot, from 18 to 20 hours a day. As children get older, they will need less sleep. Every baby has different sleeping hours and has no schedule, she should adapt to her sleep.

The child should sleep in an upright position because in this position the esophagus will be under the trachea so the milk or food will be less likely to enter the airway. This reduces the risk of sudden death in young children. Other sleeping positions can ask a specialist in case your baby has health problems and needs advice.

Sunbathing for babies

In summer, the sun appears early and harsh. Therefore, parents should give children a bath at 7:00 - 8:30 am or 17:00 - 17:30 pm. Each sunbathing does not last more than 15 minutes will help children synthesize the amount of vitamin D needed.
