10 health benefits of walking

1. Good for the heart

A recent study concluding that, if the quick walk 30 minutes a day will reduce the risk of developing metabolic syndrome (metabolic syndrome) is a group of symptoms initially lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and qụy.

A study in Britain showed that normal operations (incorporating walking and cycling) meant decreased 11% the risk of cardiovascular disease, especially for women.

2. Remove the risk of breast cancer

You must leave the Ministry just a few hours each week to have a special significance in reducing risk of breast cancer, (as published in the journal of the American Medical Association). Election time walking do lose fat, increase the ability to produce estrogen. The results of the study on 74000 women in menopause (50-79 years old) with normal status who may be, the risk of breast cancer decreased by 30%, while overweight people, only reduced from 10-20%. Research on younger women also led to similar results.

3. Help sleep

Let's walk in the afternoon helps you get a good night's sleep. Moreover, many of the comments left for that, walking increases the amount of the hormone serotonin helps you are relaxing ... However you should not walk away 2 hours before sleep because it's too late to the body a break back.

4. Reduce body aches

Walking will help you reduce body aches, help you relax the conscious, it makes your body becomes balanced involves lobbying arm, make a vacuum was stress. The result reduces the pain.

5. Walking helps relieve stress

You must leave the Ministry can make you reduce the depression, anxiety and stress, which is an effect that at least one suspect. Just 30 minutes of walking will make your mood better. Spent 90 minutes walk 5 times per week as you will get the best mood. By walking helps the body produce endorphin, a chemicals do improve mood giving you the feeling of optimism, love life.

6. Help alleviate the weight of the body

Let's walk 30 minutes a day can avoid the weight gain in most of the least natural activity. On the other hand, if women walk an hour every day and five times a week will consume 1500 calories per day and rising about 11 kg in weight being overpaid each year. The walk can take control of your body weight.

7. Maintain the memory for the elderly

A few studies on the elderly groups point out that walking even just 45 minutes each week will help avoid Alzheimer's disease. Let's stroll or walk often also meant that the mind was trained and became so clearly in the middle-class elderly.

8. Protect your bones

Just 30 minutes of walking three times per week is a great way to protect and exercise for your bones. Just as an exercise, walking will require people to use 95% of the base, the reality of this process helps promote and make your bones become healthier and more solid.

9. Increase efficiency of production labor

Walking helps to work out all the tissues above and below the body. Therefore, tissues are loose and reduce muscle strain condition. Your body will be make for pleasant and can increase stamina. So the productivity and efficiency of manufacturing workers also increases.

10. Save money and time

You don't need to spend time and money to the fitness center to get the body healthy, standard designs. If you are busy then just prepare a pair of shoes and walked each morning prior to the employment agency. Not necessary is to go a long way in every training session that is simply to rehearse regularly every day.=
