6 simple acne with brilliant technology

Apple Cider vinegar, turmeric powder and honey

Mix all ingredients prepared in a large bowl. Clean the face mask mixture, just finished up face (Note avoid eye area). To about 15-20 minutes then rinse with water. Done regularly twice a week you will see her skin relieve acne go a way.

Fresh technology used in the miraculous beauty.

Technology and white wine

Fresh technology pounding boil for a little more fresh white is a mixture of very fine scar treatment. Moreover, with this we can give fresh white fruit, technology blends into the bottle to use extremely slowly.

Technology of fresh water wash the rice

Use fresh turmeric, Peel the shell removed, mashed together, crushing at least wash the rice water and lather up possible scarring. These are simple methods that are common to many users. In the scar treatments using fresh technology is better.

Fresh milk cream with technology

This is a simple and quick remedies: fresh cream mixed with turmeric powder substance to form up on the. Fresh light on the technology while moisturizing cream and increase the elasticity to the skin.

Fresh technology helps treat acne effectively.

Technology of rice bran and fresh

Technology of rice bran with is "paired" comments had the effect of skin whitening and Exfoliating is extremely effective. You mix flour, rice, powdered milk, fresh milk and rice bran along with fresh technology to be a sticky mixture, then gently massage around the face and then rinse with water to exfoliate and white skin balm.

Fresh turmeric and mustard

Oil mustard watering up fresh turmeric and then bring crushed into powder, DAB are face up within 20 minutes, and then rinse with clear water. But a lot of effort more than 2 is on but the effect will be very surprise!=
