Hot news: truly beautiful Appearance thanks to coconut oil

When pregnancy and childbirth first, my body rising 6 kg compared to revert my daughter. After 7 months, I'm still sแป cast aluminum body. Thus, when going back to work, I was determined to regain his stature. So, I tried to measure weight to at least affect your health for that retains a beautiful appearance. And practice, should be on kim. Now I have reduced only 18 thanks to drink coconut oil.

Today, I want to share with you a recipe I have created yourself. It has helped me a lot in keeping my compact physique. This recipe, I've made based on entire uses and properties of coconut and coconut oil.

According as I reference and learn then, coconut oil is saturated fat and calories. But they are quite healthy. So I came up with this recipe to combine fat-burning and converting them into antioxidants and fiber from the organic results.

And I eat it almost every day for lunch. Or even in the early morning, it is also a great breakfast too. In addition, I also only takes about 3 minutes to prepare for the busy every morning.

Keep fit compact recipe with coconut oil:

-1 tablespoon organic coconut juice

-1 tbsp organic coconut oil (I use Nutiva coconut oil)

-2 eggs (as you like)

-1/4 cup frozen organic raspberries or other frozen berry

-1 frozen banana

-1 teaspoon, 1 tablespoon pure honey (optional)

Implementation guides:

-Use a blender to grind the support above mixture until you achieve the desired mixture.

-To my height and compact with coconut oil, you need to become familiar with coconut oil body slowly. First, we should only use 2 spoons per day, then increased to 4 spoons.

-You should also use coconut oil to fry in the cooking to reduce fat medium recently created delicious taste to the dish.

-Coconut oil if it smell scented coconut candy and when drink on is also very delicious.=
