The simple way to help 'Save' the body from aging

Stop smoking as soon as possible

You should also use the anti aging cream

Try to drink coffee, water, fruit juice ... by the Cup, instead of using straws. In addition, you should also use the anti aging cream. The creams often contain the peptide, neuropeptides and Antiaging activity, to bring moisture to the skin. You can also use the cream for the eyes to DAB around the mouth.

Use sunscreen 

Use sunscreen daily and not left hand area. Try skin moisturizing your hands as much as possible. The type of lotion during the day and in the evening should be used often.

Use the towel

When you go out, you can use the towel to keep the neck from being affected by sunlight. In addition, should take care of the neck skin by using sunscreen daily, DAB cream like facial skin. You can use the excess facial skin cream to lather more down to the neck and chest. Maintaining this habit helps hold moisture, firming neck skin.


Exfoliate twice a week

Exfoliate twice a week please try to search the products have exfoliation anti-aging ingredients or sea salt mix coconut oil to rub over skin. In addition, you should add the cream, soothes the skin and moisturizes.


Exercise daily with the knee lift, running. In addition, you can massage the knee every day in minutes, combined DAB moisturizer to minimize wrinkles and the phenomenon of lumpy orange peel.

Limited high heels

Women's muscle strength every 10 year decline 10%-20%, when stepping through age 35, will often present discomfort in the joints and the recession as osteoporosis, spinal disease. So, after the age of 40, women have to spend a lot of time to fight trọi with back pain. Especially the sisters often go high heels, overweight and ligaments causing the lower back pain, prone to fatigue.

Rational nutrition

Nutrition is also a logical solution so you get beautiful skin. You should remember, is not a type of lotion would have the effect of a diet and the rest of science.

Complement your meal the food rich in vitamins and antioxidant effects such as green tea, soy, vitamiin A, B, C, E ... can help your skin healthy and youthful.=
