4 tips to reduce fever naturally and fast for baby love

(Phunutoday)-fever is a common symptom in children and baby parents can apply these simple tips and following natural to treat a fever for older and take back the fastest comfortable for me.

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This is also recommended by the doctors at the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy-the world's leading authority on child health care. This antipyretic measures, preferably young parents should apply for the child at home to help minimize discomfort, vomiting, difficulty sleeping and fever for the girl. Baby parents should also consult a doctor if a child's body temperature reaches 39-40 degrees or higher, or if the fever lasts longer than 72 hours. Wet all the Wet all of the child can be done at home and can help reduce a fever-the University of Maryland Medical Center said. Accordingly, before going to sleep, young parents can soak a pair of thin cotton socks in water. Then, place this wet socks on young legs or go for both the wet socks at bed. While the children sleep, the body will begin to circulate fluids and blood to fight the wet feet, that was the tip to stimulate the immune system. These socks will become dry in the morning. Repeat the treatment for 5-6 consecutive nights to reduce a child's fever. A warm bath Many people think that when a child has a fever, you should not be a warm bath for the child. However this fact entirely beneficial to lower fevers faster for your baby. Please prepare a warm water bath for the child with the temperature should be measured with a thermometer or you can test the water temperature for bathroom by hand, his own wrist. If the thermometer signals are at 85 to 90 degrees F, or you feel the warm water on the back of the hand or wrist, the mean temperatures for bath. Note that the air around where children bathe when a fever should be maintained at a temperature of about 75 degrees F. After that, parents should place babies gently in the bath and use the sponge to gently brush over the entire period the young body parts. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommend that children sit in the bathtub because it's more comfortable than lying. Warm water will help reduce the fever gradually and safely. Wipe dry the body with a dry soft towel after shower and quickly getting the child back to bed. At this time you will notice a child has to sweat more and that is the effectiveness of the bath when a fever. Young body at this temperature will be lower by about 2 degrees. Repeat for bathroom 1 days/times and perform best for bathroom in the afternoon until the fever in infants. Herb tea Many studies have recognized that these types of herbs such as Chamomile, peppermint trees, grass ... can also cause sweating and hypothermia can help to the body. So, baby, parents can use any herbs to form a cup of herb tea and for drinking by children to relieve stress and reduce the sauce. You can add more honey to cup of herbal tea if desired and for children to drink 1 to 2 cups of herbal tea every few hours as needed. To be more careful, you always refer to consult a doctor before giving the child to drink a herbal teas, especially if children are taking prescription medication. Cold cold The use of a pressure when you cold compresses for baby also helps lower body temperature. Accordingly, to compress or apply conditioning for young, you use a clean bucket towel and wrapped in the towel that's full of ice. Then, apply the latest piece of this cold cold cold directly to the forehead and young body. Remove the apply process, if the temperature were less cold and then continued to add cold stones to apply again. Repeat this treatment 1-2 times per hour when necessary to relieve fevers for baby love.=
