3 types of dangerous deadly results if combined with smoking

The food can make the drug more powerful or less effective. Please note the following combination.

3 types of dangerous deadly results if combined with medication.


Grapefruit contains many vitamins and minerals very beneficial for health, however if accidentally combine grapefruit or grapefruit juice with drugs will lead to reciprocal interactions, reducing the effectiveness of even in the cause of the effect .

Most of these drugs have interactions with grapefruit, grapefruit juice increases the absorption of the drug into the bloodstream, which can cause hazard. When you drink grapefruit juice while taking some statin drugs to reduce cholesterol, too much of the drug can stay in your body, increase your risk of liver damage and muscle weakness, which can lead to kidney failure.

Drink grapefruit juice a few hours ago or a few hours after you drink the drug can still be dangerous, so it is best to avoid or limit taking grapefruit juice, fresh grapefruit when taking the drugs.


Also similar to grapefruit, oranges or orange juice contains more acidic so should not mix with the acid-resistant aluminum-containing medications. Besides, the orange juice is also contraindicated when used with other antibiotics.


Bananas contain high potassium content, using the same diuretics increase the accumulation of potassium in the body that cause cardiovascular complications and blood pressure.=
