5 tips to help tame the 'smell of sweat' in a hot sunny day

Excessive sweating is one of the common annoyances in the hot season. The sweat streaks spread across Austria together with the characteristic smell will make you shy, lack confidence when communicating with people. You can apply some simple and safe measures to limit perspiration after the next medical solutions to overcome active sweat glands are too strong.

Drink lots of water

Drink plenty of water to help control perspiration.

Keep liquids to water body in the hot day. Drinking water helps keep the body temperature does not increase height also contributes to the waste type toxins out.

Cold water shower

Cold water is not only a great choice for hot sunny days which is also useful for those solutions often pour more sweat. Use SOAP or antibacterial bath milk to reduce the odor causing bacteria to the body.

In addition, you should also not warm plates because they increase the body temperature, which stimulates more sweat.

Weight control

Obesity is one of the important causes of weather causes more perspiration than normal. Therefore, weight control not only has implications for health but also contribute to limit the excessive sweating.

Avoid eating, drinking hot

Tea, coffee or any hot beverages can cause body temperature to rise, stimulating sweat glands are active on more than the normal level. In addition, the high consumption of caffeine also increases body heat.

Limit eating spicy food (onion, bell pepper, garlic, wine, ...): spicy foods cause the body to sweat more than usual. Many food oils and fats also didn't help as they make the body frees toxins and waste going through sweat, causing more sweat smell worse.

Hence the need to maintain a healthy diet, rich in fiber and various vitamins will help control perspiration.

Avoid stress

Feeling of stress on the nerve can cause sweat more.

Feeling of stress on the nerve can cause sweat more. Therefore, you should try to remain calm before the situation can cause stress.=
