The 'forbidden' foods combined with cucumber

Cucumber is a vegetable that is very cool, crunchy, juicy, aromatic attractive. Cucumbers contain pectin, acid and enzymes, can promote metabolism, treatment of sunburns, acne scars, skin allergic constipation.

The "forbidden" foods combined with cucumber.

But any kind of food , including fruit, when eating, eat too much are bring the effect of unwanted, harmful to health, even in death. With cucumbers, too, if abused, you will also see the dangers to health.

Not combined with peanuts

Cucumber peanut meal very easily cause diarrhea, especially cucumbers, boiled or roasted peanuts mixed with gold. This is the dish cold, many families often do not help to eat, but the food can cause you to suffer abdominal pain, diarrhea.

Do not combine the cucumber-celery

The enzymes in cucumber will destroy vitamin C in vegetables. Although not harmful for the body, but will decrease the absorption of vitamin C in the body. Similarly, vegetables, bitter, green skull ... Pepper should not be eaten together with cucumber.

Don't eat cucumber along the fungus

Has the effect of detoxification, weight loss, fat removed, but the amount of each food should not be too many, if not will have the reverse effect.

Do not eat at hungry

Those who have stomachpain, hunger should not eat cucumbers, pain will more seriously.=
