The unexpected harm from fruit.

Health)-fruits good for humans but when eating too much will cause side effects to your health.[links] Do not eat many prunes Plum is kind of high acidity (acid) it is capable of resolution of Ca-P and protein substances in the body, as if the substances on lost many, possibly born disease. Eat too much sour would not be beneficial to digestion. Also, sour rot do fangs, particularly paediatric age teeth, eating plums more susceptible to tooth decay. Eat more citrus gastric damage Based on the study by the experts, day one should not eat too 3 tangerines. Because just enough citrus fruit 3 supplements vitamin C needs of each person. If eating more tangerines will be harmful for the teeth and palate. Especially should not eat tangerines when empty stomach because the water's quality tangerines will stimulate very strong with the stomach membrane, affect the absorption digestion of the stomach.  

A day should not eat too 3 tangerines

Watermelon cause conditioning Watermelon has the effect to heat. In the hot day to eat a little better but the watermelon watermelon sustainability, if eat regular is not beneficial. Especially those bad digestion, or sub of the night and have the disease should not eat many more planets. Hong easily cause gastrointestinal obstruction Hong has many vitamins and fat, when these substances met the taste will become insoluble compounds, deposited by the particles is easy under the stool out. If eating more red component increases the ease of the particle sedimentation to hard to escape into capable platforms to clog. Especially don't feed the hungry at that position because when pink acidosis will more, more susceptible to the platform. If eaten after a meal, when the endeavor has been the food run out, at least in combination with colloidal Hong's should not be the Foundation. Banana pepper inhibits blood vessel In the banana have many levels of Mg (magnesium), if eating more at hungry Mg concentrations in plasma will rise suddenly lost balance between Mg and calcium, causing inhibition of vascular phenomena will not be beneficial for the health. So, when the hungry should not eat bananas.

When the hungry should not eat banana pepper

7 diet taboo not eating jujube Apple (Apple) has many nutrients and also a good medicinal type used in Oriental medicine but if eating more or improper use will it become harmful. Therefore, 7 following cases should not eat the jujube: the belly is full no orange, disease, disease itching sores pimples, the pain of teeth, tooth disease, jaundice, constipation. People with coronary artery disease not eat more fruits As mentioned, eat fruit with just the right tonic for the body will like the types of organic acids, inorganic salts, vitamins and fiber cellulose ... But eating more fruits for the coronary artery disease, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease, the more people make the disease worse. Because in addition to the nutrients fruits have sugars: sugar, sugar, sugar cane glucosa ... If eating more, the substances that increase will result in more fat in the blood and fat, with no benefit to the patient.  =
