Where to buy good jelly

Many customers after using Jelly products Supreme Royal Jelly-Pure Royal Jelly, so buy try or be donated are returned to buy more for the whole family or buy gifts for colleagues or by reasons are very simple as they all realize one thing : Jelly Supreme Royal Jelly-Pure Royal Jelly help them love life and healthier than many. Health supplements, anti aging, skin, enhance physiological, strengthen the immune system and increases longevity                                             


The effects of Royal Jelly • Help protect the health, the Gimpy, enhanced longevity. • Helps repair the skin tissue injury caused by chemicals, radiation, ultraviolet rays cause. • Royal Jelly contains a natural antibiotic substances (anti-bacterial) helps the skin fight against acne, acne skin, anti-inflammatory target. • Help the skin lightening, anti-aging, due to the impact of the environment strongly stain human and most are due to hormonal changes in women (menopause), because the jelly-making changes to make the root of the cause of Melasma, strongly stain human skin, helps the skin gradually becomes white pink, smooth stretch. • Helps the sedation, sleep, sleeping, asleep insomnia prevention. • Helps treat high blood, high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, hepatitis A, B, C, D and the diseases of the liver. • Helps treat bacterial infection cases, urinary tract infections, wound healing. • Help develop good physical strength, wisdom, enhance brand power, lighten the eyes. • Helps Restore sexual potency in both sexes, stabilize the hormonal disorders, impotence in males, rarely late, infertility. • Help the cases of malnutrition, mental fatigue, weakness, body starvation due to tuberculosis Health Center, labor force too much. • Help curing anxiety, incite, sorrow, for which treatment was old age diseases because of insomnia. • Helps balance hormones, especially in women during menopause. • Help the case of developmental delay in children. • Helps balance the weight, hair loss, bone tonic. • Prevent complications, cardiovascular stiffness profile blood vessels.


Each tablet contains 1500 mg of Royal Jelly Supreme jelly (each equivalent to 90000 jugs mg pure royal jelly). It also contains the rare herbal ingredients: • Mushroom Ganoderma, Noni, Bee Propolis-helps strengthen the immune system and maximum stress relief • Ginseng, Eleuthero and Velvet-enhances health, tonic, and strengthens the immune system, reduce stress • Ashwagandha, Hops and Passion Flower – helps sleep and helps to reduce anxiety, anxiety • Bee Pollen, Gotu Kola and Licorice-enhance, help minimize anxiety As far as scientists specializing in the study of bees with techniques of the big company today, and the qualities of effective Royal Jelly form as well as liquid jelly. A benefit of the pellets is smoking can to be long years without fear of damage, while the jelly liquid perishable, then so must leave in the freezer or refrigerator, and in addition, the expiration date (the Expiration Date) is also shorter than the pill. That is the reason why most of the jelly on the market are made and sold in the form of tablets.            How to use: 1 capsule after meals or on an empty stomach, drink jugs at each two months. If you want help for insomnia should drink right after dinner. Some people, because too weakened health or losing sleep too long may have to use two or more per day, effective new good (am a member, a member or two members can take a while). In addition a small number of women in menopause have to use 2 or more new members achieve the results outlined most helps minimize the unpleasant symptoms when menopause (most people just have one capsule per day).

Owner Kim  =
